As a mother of three, I, like many other women in the workforce that have children, struggle to balance the demand of my career and motherhood. Often times, you are left feeling overwhelmed, stretched thin or guilty when you can’t seem to juggle it all at a 100%. Being efficient at what you do, whether that is parenting or completing a task at work, is a common value that many individuals desire to have. Possessing or even feeling as though you possess this quality, becomes ever the difficult when you want to be efficient at all things at all times. As a mom and a full-time licensed therapist, I find myself frequently wanting to do it all in one day, drop off, pick up, see clients, write notes, go to the park, practice letters and so much more. However, something I have had to come to terms with is that I won’t be able to accomplish all tasks all the time – and that is okay.
I love being a mother; while challenging, it is the most rewarding role I’ve ever had. I also love my career, helping others and acting as a sounding board for those in need. First acknowledging that I didn’t have to choose, helped tremendously. In this I realized that compartmentalizing my day, prioritizing tasks, would assist in my ability to give my best to these very important parts of my life. Setting aside time for work related tasks as well as having weekly activities for the family, allows for the removal of some guilt and stress because I am mentally focused on one thing at one time. When I get home, I frequently put aside all work-related responsibilities to focus on the kids. Letting go of the guilt when at work and not at home with kids, can truly be achieved if as moms, we shift our perspective and recognize the benefits of our career for our children – like affording extracurricular activities for them to participate in or vacations and even your child’s view of you as a strong working individual.
Having a great support system also can relieve us mommies of the stress related to juggling our career and motherhood. I often receive cute videos and pictures throughout the day, which makes me still feel a part of their daily adventures. And one of the biggest things I try not to forget, and I am still making practice of – is the setting aside of time and energy for things related to fueling and feeding me. I have come to terms with the fact that I will always be able to be more efficient if I have spent time focused on my self-care. Finding those hobbies and activities that are purely for you, act as calming agents, leaving you mentally, physically and emotionally full for the kids and your professional responsibilities.
Written by: Sade Massiah