Online Therapy

Online Mental Health Therapy
For All Of North Carolina

Do you feel like you’re too busy for therapy or uneasy about coming into an office?   Are you feeling lost, anxious, or alone in life? Don’t let schedules, fear, or anxiety stand in the way of a better life. Our online, experienced therapists can help you find your way to living a better life today.

We make online therapy easy (think therapy in your fuzzy slippers), convenient (in your favorite chair at home), and most importantly, effective for everyone

Why L&B Counseling? Our therapists at L&B Counseling specialize in anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, couples therapy, substance abuse, LGBTQ issues, as well as other mental health concerns. We have a proven process that will help you navigate life’s challenges to become the best, most authentic version of yourself.

If you’re ready to take the next step to a better life, change is only one click or phone call away. 

 Please call 704-247-7353 to make an appointment or click here. OR Choose one of our online, experienced therapists below!

What is Online Therapy?

Online therapy, or tele-therapy, refers to counseling services conducted over the internet. You will meet with one of our experienced therapists via an internet connection and a two-way live video or if you prefer by phone.  Through this platform, you can interact with the therapist just as you would in person.   

This form of therapy is a great option for those that

  • Need a more flexible schedule

  • Feel uneasy, worried about privacy, or have physical limitations that hinder one from coming into an office

  • Live in rural or remote area were practitioners are scarce or live in a busy city where you want to avoid the hassle of traffic

Is online therapy just as effective as  in- person therapy?

In most cases, YES! Online therapy seems to be just as effective as in-person therapy. Studies found online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to be just as effective as in-person therapy in treating moderate depression.  Another review found that online CBT was equally effective as a face-to-face treatment for panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.