Above And Beyond

Please make sure the blog has at least 500 words.

Find mental health topics that interest you. Your content should have a natural progression that flows logically from one point to the next and educates along the way. 

Here is a general outline of a good blog. You can watch it here or read below. https://youtu.be/Q8rN3JKqUc8

  • First, create a good headline (catchy, clever, “how to”)
  • Introduction: Hook people with a bold statement…what’s going to be covered in the blog…
  • Body: Include Subheadings…Make it easy to skim. Keep paragraphs around 5-6 lines max .
  • Conclusion: Summarize what the post is about and major take aways. Include your name and a hyperlink to your webpage.

Examples: You can check out or these below.




Use L&B Counseling login to have access to our logo and our colors and a premium paid account, which gives you more options for design.

Canva slides are educational, motivational, creative, and can be a lot of fun to make.  Points will be awarded by the number of slides completed and quality of slides. 

Don’t forget to Include captions to go with the slides.

1-2 slides = 1 point

3-4 slides = 2 points

5+ slides = 3-5 points (at discretion of Taylor/Kelly)

*Make sure you use our palate of colors (see video below for help on this).

New to Canva? Here’s a quick four minute tutorial to teach you the basics of how to create Canva slides. 

When you are ready, head over to www.canva.com and log into the L&B Counseling account. User name is
password: L&BTeam!

Need Some Examples?

Gratitude By Taylor (9 slides long)

Why Would a Therapist Need Therapy? By Kelly (5 slides long)

World Kindness Day By Kelly (2 slides long)

There are so many fun and creative ways to make videos today! It is your choice – Tik Tok, Instagram Reel, or a video featuring YOU.

Videos with your face: Reels/Tik Tok OR a video on our website  = FOUR points





Videos without your face: Reels/Tik Tok (see example here) = THREE points


See Taylor for questions on video production! You may post directly to Tik Tok or Instagram Reels. Log in information is in the miscellaneous tab in Master Spreadsheet.  


podcast does the shoe fitThis is a monthly opportunity to join Taylor in a discussion on the L&B Counseling podcast, “Does The Shoe Fit?”. If you have an idea or topic, reach out to Taylor directly.
Participation in the podcast = FIVE points

Attend a mental health related training and share what you have learned (min. of 30 minutes) with the group.  Please include either handouts or something uploaded to the drive related to the specific training and protocols or tools that therapist can use with clients.

Participation in training + sharing (You will need to create a video to share with the team) = FIVE points

This is a great opportunity to help educate our community on various mental health topics. The presentation can be given either in person or via zoom (online). If you are interested, please let Kelly or Taylor know. This can also be shared by two therapists (each receiving 10 points).

Participation in giving a presentation = TEN points

Attend an in-person networking event. This can be a shared opportunity with more than one therapist. The event must be approved by Kelly or Taylor prior to attending. You will need marketing materials (business cards & anything promotional at the time) which you can obtain from Taylor Kracht.

Each therapist will receive FOUR points for attending. 

Above & Beyond Program
The Above & Beyond program is designed to allow therapists the opportunity to accrue more paid time off or additional income, based on their own preference. The Leadership team is not allowed to participate in this program.

How it works:
You will need to submit your selected marketing task (see below for tasks) by the date specified via google sign up genius. Each month, you will have the opportunity to select as many tasks as you would like.

Your finished product(s) must be submitted to Kelly Goldschmidt by the date specified via email or slack.

Monetary Payout: You can choose to receive a pay out of $200 for 20 Points accrued. Payout will occur after you hit 20 points (payout will be taxed). Monetary payout will be capped at the maximum of $800 per 12 months (a total of four times). Points may roll over to the next year.
If you accrue 40 points and decide to have monetary compensation instead, the payout will be $400 (taxed). This is still limited to the $800 per year payout (total two times).

Paid Time Off: For a total of 40 points, you may choose to receive paid time off (PTO) with a maximum of 16 hours for 5 day employees and 18 hours for 3 day employees within 12 months. Points may roll over to the next year.
If you select PTO, it will be added to your allotted PTO hours. PTO must be approved by the Clinical Director. See the FTO section for more information on PTO.

If you decide to cash out at a point amount that is above the system (i.e. 23 points), you will keep the three points to build up again.

The work submitted is subject to earning half or no points if it doesn’t meet requirements. (see Document Requirements above)



Video with face


Networking event


Canva Slides (including artwork)




Give a one hour talk on zoom or in person



Video without face


Training & sharing (with video)




*Canva slide points will be based on content and will be decided by Kelly Goldschmidt

Reward System:


20 points 


40 points *

8 PTO/9 PTO* Hours OR $400

*Three day employees will receive 9 hours of PTO