Know what’s in your control
During this pandemic, we have been faced with the reality that much is out of our control. How can we become okay with accepting what we have the power to change over what we do

The Importance of Sleep
Sleep is important Sleep deprivation can cause many issues for both mental and physical health. Insomnia and other sleep problems are common among those with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Adults 18-60 need

Postpartum Depression
What is Postpartum Depression? Postpartum Depression [PPD] is a complex makeup of physical, emotional and behavioral changes that occur in women after they’ve given birth. One recent study found that 1 in 7 women may experience PPD in the
What is substance abuse?
Substance abuse counseling is the exploration and treatment for those who are struggling with drugs and/or alcohol. Furthermore, substance abuse also applies to addictions such as video gaming, gambling, shopping, and social media. A substance abuse
What is Couples Therapy?
Couples counseling is used when a couple (married or dating) want to improve aspects of their relationship. There are many reasons for seeking couples counseling: Frequent arguments Infidelity/Trust issues Ignoring the problems rather than talking about
Social Anxiety
by Kirsten Cole What is social anxiety? Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction withother people. This specific anxiety is often sparked by an intense fear ofbeing judged during social interactions. In
What are the signs of burnout?
What is burnout? The continuous experience of high levels of stress without taking steps to manage or reduce the stress. This exhaustion leaves you feeling emotionally and physically burned out. Burnout does not happen overnight, it is

Gratitude and Finding Joy
Practicing gratitude and the effect it has on our mental health Practicing gratitude can bring immense changes to your overall happiness and health. 2020 has packed a powerful to punch to some of us. As this

Let’s Talk about Telehealth
Our worlds have turned upside down since the start of the pandemic, and the stay-at-home order was put in place back in late March/early April. This brought on many changes to the lifestyle of our clients,